About Vergeev Group project. Part 3.


This story is not about the project itself, it’s about Vergeev Group. One of the leading VG project team members Oleg Schtuzer reminded me about it. His opinion is very important for me. This story is dedicated to him.

While I’m developing project web-site (and a lot more) I’ll tell a story of Vergeev Group. There is no sharp pattern structure of military units in modern army. To ease further narration I will recall types of military units. Former military people (career military specialists and former draftees) who held Armed Forces Charter in their hands number of times must be lenient to me for the simplicity employed in further text.
Everything starts with manpower in the army. Manpower consists of soldiers and officers. Section (squad) (Russian – otdelenie) is smallest military unit. Infantry section may number 3 to 15 man while author came across sections of 1 private and of 30. This remark was made not for an effect.  
Sections form platoon (vzvod); platoon unite into companies (rota); companies into battalions (battalion); then regiments/groups (polk), brigades (brigada), divisions (divisia), corps (corpus), armies (armia), fronts (front) (MD = military districts/commands (okrug) in peacetime).
Don’t mix two words “formation” and “subdivision”. These are not synonyms.
Formation is a combat unit in armed forces. Subdivision is one of the formations being part of some larger military unit. This seems to be simplest explanation.
Above-mentioned difference in manpower among same units does matter. Until 80s of past century one could easily identify formation role in army hierarchy knowing quantity of manpower and matériel. At present it’s not possible anymore.
For example, you’re told that forces of 11,000 bayonets have entered OA (operation area). More or less  experienced (and sufficiently erudite) person may conclude that this is a division. Yes, he is right but in context of the past. It might be 2-3 brigades nowadays. Brigades may enumarate 3-9 thousands of staff.
In gerenal, army strength and its armament is a top secret information. Therefore, don’t try to learn, even for purpose of knowledge widening, strength and structure of any military unit. It might end in unhappy end.
This story discloses no secrets. Current introduction is meant to provide you with idea that strength and equipment of military formations do not depend on any military art dogmas or specific Charter chapters but on set operational-tactical tasks and landscape pecualiarities of chosen operational area.
According to legend Vergeev Group is part of one of NCMD brigades. In reality there two brigades in North-Caucasus Military District (or Front if you remember). This is not classified info. One can find a lot of interesting and useful information about history of Northern Caucasus and mentioned brigades.
M/u 24ХХХ, 24 SHS HAF AA Maikop is a full name.
Military unit 24ХХХ, 24th Strike-Helicopter Squadron Helicopter-Aviation Formation of Army Aviation, Maikop.
What is Vergeev Group?
Attentive group pilots noticed in mission briefings that Vergeev Group is strike-helicopter squadron – part of HAF Maikop. VG is based in Adler, ICAO: URSS. HAF Maikop headquaters is located, as name indicates, in Maikop town. 
To tell you the truth, such proximity of army aviation (AA) formation to state border is rather inconvenient, considering that relations with “neigbour” are in permament undeclared war phase.
URSS concrete may be better used by AA as auxiliary airfield.  I presume that it is exactly so in reality.
One gun volley of SPG[i] from adjacent territory may heavily thin out rolling stock and staff of any formation.
That is why VG possesses limited quantity of flying aircrafts. It gives a number of advantages and is very positive for responsiveness factor. URSS base has very strong SSB[ii]: repair shops, specialists, warehouses, plenty of fuel and armament which services not numerous group staff. Group effectives are permanently ready for action.
Adverse element – tremendeous workload on squadron’s flying staff .
24th SHA AA is of double subordination. Direct subordination to BCG[iii] of 234th COB[iv]. BCG callsign – Naval. Tasks set by 234th COB are priority for Vergeev Group. HAF AA Maikop may also set objectives. HAF AA Maikop control service callsign – Fleita.
HAF AA Maikop may be compared to modern STAB[v].
VG subordination scheme.
234th COB responsibility area.
Scheme attached shows responsibility areas of 24th SHS AA in piece- and wartime. Responsibility area may be changed to follow front line (theatre-of-war data) at wartime.  
Though VG is considered as helicopter group, the squadron has mixed composition of aircrafts. It includes airplanes and air defence armaments too (013 mission demonstrates them all).
Since brigade’s responsibility area is mountanious country, main players in VG are helicopter flights. Rest of machines provide for support and reconnaissance.
Group includes:
Reconnaissance and target designation pair
·         Ка-27PL, № 57524, 524, Equator: major Plehanov A.S., lieutenant Sazonov V.V.;
·         Ка-27PL, № 57471, 471, Equator: captain Dudin R.A., senior  lieutenant Antoshkin V.G.
The unit is not used in first part of campaign and is based in Maikop.
Front-line pair
·         Ка-50, № 24233, 233, Tur;
·         Ка-50, № 24234, 234, Тур;  captain Samoilov V.A.
There are neither machine nor captain Samoilov Vadim Aleksandrovich himself in first part of campaign. Campaign starts with new pilot arrival  on August 31. Samoilov’s bird was shot down on the border in July. Pilot ejected but was taken prisoner. His destiny is being investigated. Due to the above, 233 performs set tasks on his own or with non-typical leaders Мi-28N or Мi-24V.
Strike pair
·         Мi-28N, № 24321, 321, Otard: captain Dropkin A.D., lieutenant Poshehonets I.N.;
·         Мi-28N, № 24322, 322, Otard: captain Morozov V.V., senior lieutenant Tomin A.S.
Fortunes of these machines and crews are quite revealing as for 1/10 part of campaign. Shock, all-weather, night helicopters Мi-28N. They do quite a piece of job. Crews are experts! Dropkin Aleksander Dmitrievich is commander of  24th SHS.
Newcomer of VG will be working with 322nd Otard from mssion 002 and will learn a lot about captain Morozov crew fate during next 3 missions.
Assault flight
·         Мi-24V, № 24317, 317, Fixator: major Zelinsky V.I., major Alianov V.V.;
·         М-24V, № 24318, 318, Fixator: major Tuhtera G.A., lieutenant  Lettera I.R.;
·         Мi-24V, № 24319, 319, Matras: senior lieutenant Sheluda I.V., lieutenant Mozohin D.I.;
·         Мi-24V, № 34320, 320, Matras: lieutnant Lutskij I.D.; senior warrant office Karmanov S.I.
First “crocodiles” pair of assault flight is usually working with Fleita tasks and is based at URKM.
Second pair has not yet arrived. Initially 24th air squadron is working  with significant shortage of aircrafts and effectives.
Aircraft mechanics are not mentioned.
Transport pair
·         Мi-8MT, № 24315, 315, Stebel: major Samoilov G.V.; captain Avlen Z.I.;
·         Мi-8MT, № 24316, 316, Stebel: captain Karimov V.Z., lieutenant Schukin V.I.
These are main machines that do all transport work for 234th COB. "Bumblebee"[vi] crew, as it seems sometimes, are brave up to recklessness and skilled to virtuosity. It is said  when they drop off to sleep at officer’s quarters their snoring makes stars shake. Men knock themselves out and when sleeping spare neither themselves nor neighbours.

I will not be very detailed with plane squads of the group. It will be important only after 2/10 part of the campaign. I’ll just simply list the planes. Nevertheless, it is advisable to know in next VG missions who will provide cover and fire support in tactical situation as peculiarities and result of tactival task performance depend not only on aircraft but also on name of main plane or helicopter machine part - human.
More information about plane composition of Vergeev Group will be presented before next part of campaign release. 
So some words about airplane force.

Helicopters are priority tool in fulfilling tasks set in front of Vergeev Group by higher command. All other crews and aircrafts provide for necessary ”service”. Mountain terrain dictates these priorities.
Major objectitve in HAF AA Maikop nearest plans is liquidation of 224th SHS deficiency in personnel and aircrafts and further refitting to the level that will lessen workload on SHS pilots. Analysis of all group FAs[vii] for past 2 years showed that 73% of accidends and crashes are direct result of crews’ exhaustion. Following FP[viii] in highlands, in undeclared military conflict zone requires ultimate strength and attention. Reinforcement will be applied to both helicopter and plane forces.
To author’s regret,  role of Mi-8 helicopter, “bumblebee”, in DCS: Ka-50 BS simulator is unfairly diminished. Yes, this is most numerous transport helicopter in the world. In addition to his known job in transport, supply, search and troop landing missions, its military modifications provide for fire support on battlefield. “Bumblebee” is an oustanding machine which, utilizing weaponry pods, may deliver stunning blows to support own troops. Both Soviet-Afgan and modern Afgan campaigns give many examples. It is no secret that Coalition armies equip supported Afgan government with military modifications of these machines. They proved to be extremely reliable in severe highlands. No surprise here as refitting and fine-tuning of “bumblebee” was run based on Afgan war feedback.  The result of Mil’ design engineering bureau work is export “bumblebee” variant – Mi-17. Machine worth of best opinions and appreciation!
These machines perform major part of job in 24th SHS supplying near-boundary and boundary units. It’s hard even to imagine state border without these machines. All group structure is built in the way to secure operation of “Stebel” (callsign) flight, under major Samoilov command.
A lot of work, not less than “Stebel” part, falls to the share of “Tur” – if you didn’t forget, this is Ka-50 callsign in group. Practically all LF AT[ix] and convoy escort operations fall on lift rotors of this pair. “Shark” outstanding maneuverability and powerful weapons ensure utmost safety of cargoes and personnel in mountaneous country. None of exisiting fight helicopters will provide similar quality of combat support.  No wonder that 233’s pilot has got lots of convoy escort job to accomplish. Instant 180-degree turn on spot, quick change of flight direction, incredible energy reserve, possibility of piloting on sideslip without speed loss, plus weapon power and armoring remain no chances to those engaged in partisan business –  laying ambushes.
“Fixator” and “Sudar” (respective callsigns of flights Mi-24V and Su-25Т) are directly engaged in low-flying air attacks. Speed and ability to work at nap-of-the-earth allow to strike crushing blows on reconed hostlile dispositions. Strength of BAS[x] of these units is fully described by phrase “scorched-earth policy”. United with profound reconnaissance these machines may substantially weaken enemy fighting strength even prior to armed conflict moment. If not to annihilate at all.
Mi-28N was chosen as commander’s flight not by accident. “Otard” operation provides for  functionality of all communications in the area. All-weather helicopter able to accomplish missions any time of the day and precise weapon (except for optional gun which yields to “shark” gun in accuracy due to different constructive  layout) is lethal threat to diversionists on home territory.
This helicopter-“destroyer” is also irreplaceable during main and supplementary reconnaissance.
“Equator” pair of Ka-27PL role is revealed in close battle. 233rd aircraft pilot did not yet come across this pair job. However, in second chapter successful mission run will not be posssible without those “river horses”. Ka-27PL are control helicopters immediately on battlefield. They answer for interaction between airborne groups and ground troops as well as for target designation and priority target selection in fast changing environment of modern transient fight.
Pair of MiG-29S, callsign “Barkhan“ provide for clear airspace over battlefield. Thanks to these planes air fights between helicopters and assault planes of fighting parties are practically impossbile.
Su-24M “Fazan” are mainly active in reconnoitering in Vergeev Group responsibility area and in heavy bomb strikes  on bases and gatherings of hostile equipment and staff.  Operation of this flight was not visible in first part of VG campaign. Instead, “Barkhan” and “Vint” delivered BAS at Georgian border guard post.
True, data on Georgian border guard post being an organizational center for subversive groups were provided by “Phazan” crew effort and skill.
“Vint” with his Su-27 secures the sky over VG responsibility area. Other side has nothing to oppose to this excellent air predator. Georgian aviation, due to constant “Vint” duty, venture for air actions inside Russian territory for a few kilometers only, where none of important targets are located. Outdated aircrafts of Georgian side are forced to be a small fry and right after “deeds” escape nap-of-the-earth on afterburning under protection of own SAM. “Vint” deprives enemy of any initiative in airspace including Georgian territory. There is a famous fact of successful revenge act in VG combat history when two Georgian assault planes were shot down in home airspace. Attacking aircrafts did’t even violated foreign sovereignty. Thus Georgians have to work on low altitudes in their own sky.
Pilot of 233th machine will several times be a witness of perfect “Vint” operation right in first part of VG campaign.
“Zokol”. State border is not possible without this bird. Unceasing air duty. Constant air reconnaissance and photography. The point is that nicely equiped enemy may organize raids into hostile territory keeping to all masking rules, trying to be utmost unnoticeable for his worst enemy – aviation. Such group penetration and identification of preparatory  actions is possible based on photos analysis only. Aerial photogrphy from An-30 provides military analysts with superbly detailed pictures of the border and neighboring territories. Analysis, comparison of differently dates photos allows to detect enemy bases, stations, foresee his intentions and targets. Then a little is to be done, as in 018 mission of VG campaign. “Zokol” not only does control aerial photographing of operation area in order to estimate strike effectiveness but also renders support over battlefield dropping luminescent bombs in this mission.
VG will be completed with two more recon Аn-30 plans in the future. That’s part of headquaters plan.
Specialization scheme of 24 SHS HAF AA Maikop – Vergeev Group.

Who is Vergeev?
Vergeev Ivan Alexandrovich. Born 1973. Captain. Sniper-pilot. About 5.000 hours flying time. 154 of them – in combat. Died in action near Poti town during “08.08.08” operation. He flew Mi-24VT. Hero of Russia. First leader of 24th SHS. Squadron bears his name upon initiative of 24th SHS pilots and support of HAF AA Maikop command.  The order on assignment Vergeev V.I. name to m/u 24XXX was signed by Russian Air Force Commander-in-Chief in 09.
More details on Vergeev I.A. are found in very first mission of VG campaign.
That is, perhaps, all that one may learn about Vergeev Group not sitting at CCC (Cyclic Control Stick) and DECH (Differential Engine Control Handles) in 233rd “Tur” cockpit .
Good luck and soft landings to everybody.
Next story about 24th SHS Vergeev Group – promised scenario of future mission. As always it’s gonna  be interesting. 

[i]SPG – self-propelled guns.
[ii]SSB – service and supply base.
[iii]BCG –battle control group.
[iv]COB – composite operational brigade, AirForce.
[v]STAB – special task airbase.
[vi]«Shmel» – (slang, eng - bumblebee), Мi-8 helicopter.
[vii] FA – flight accident.
[viii] FP – flight plan.
[ix] LF AT – low-flying air targets.
[x]BAS – bomb-assault strike.

(c) The Author of original content R.Leroni, 2010 UA; (c) the Author of translation O.Schtuzer, 2010 UA.